Thursday, October 27, 2011

Bordo Blog

In her analysis, English discusses how due to images portrayed in the media, young boys and adolescents are starting to feel more insecure about their appearances. A study was done by Moss Norman of Concordia University in Canada. “Norman concluded that boys possess a ‘double-bind masculinity,’ in which they care about their appearance but not in ways that make them look vain or uncool” (English). This is interesting cause it ties into Bordo’s essay, “Beauty (Re)discovers the Male Body,” by stating how recently, men have felt the desire to keep up with their physical appearances. English adds on to Bordo’s argument by stating that it is true that men are more self-conscious about their looks, but they feel that they should do so in a way that allows them to “transcend concerns over their physical appearance in favor of a more rational, functional outlook in life” (English). In order to fit to the contemporary social standard, they find themselves stuck in a dilemma between keeping physically fit and morally modest.

English, Marianne. "Boys Want To Look Good, but Not Too Good: Discovery News."Discovery News: Earth, Space, Tech, Animals, History, Adventure, Human, Autos. Discovery News, 30 Sept. 2011. Web. 27 Oct. 2011. <>.

1 comment:

  1. nice! This works perfectly with Bordo's point about men "in action" rather than concerned about their appearance.
